Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Tuesday night Grant had Sneak-A-Peak. This is where you get to go to school and check out where he will be next year. He loved the bus ride to school and checking out all the classrooms. I can't belive he is so big, where did 5 years go?
He was so exciteded to ride the bus.

He looks so litttle on that big bus.

He was checking out the cubby Garrett had in Kindergarten

extreem close up

He took a break to catch up on his reading.

Here he is showing of his new shirt.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Ice Cream

When I was growing up I lived in the middle of nowhere. I didn't have neighbors or friends I could just go out a play with. There are many reasons why I love living in a subdivision, but today the reason is...The Ice Cream Man! I love when my kids hear the the Ice Cream Truck coming! They run outside and flag the truck down. It is so cute to see how excited they get, I know I would have LOVED this as a kid!

looks like they love it!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chef Grant

Grant will be graduating from Little School next month. A place he started going when he was 4 weeks old, he wasn't even due to be born for another week and a half when he went for the first time. At graduation they show a picture of the children dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up...I love this! Grant has said he wanted to be the same thing ever since I can remember. This kid loves food and he LOVES to eat! So what better job for him then a chef! So for those of you that wont be there, here is the picture they will show! They will also ask them why they want to be whatever they chose! The answers are always so cute...I cant wait to hear what Grant says!

a href="">

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break

Well...Spring Break is over. We had a fabulous time and did a lot of fun stuff! With 3 wild boys you have to keep them happy and are some of the things we did this week!

Ice Cream anyone?

we went bowling!

Saw this movie! Grant says he can't wait to go to Middle School with a bunch of Morons!

We went to Chuck E Cheese.

We celebrated my Mom's bday!

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Its that time of year again...Baseball Time! Yesterday, The Red Socks took the field for their first game. We lost by 2 runs, but Garrett did great!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hippity Hoppity Easters On It's Way

Happy Easter to All! We hope you enjoy the day with your family and loved ones.

It looks like the Easter Bunny was good to the boys this year!

The boys with there baskets.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Fun

There was no school yesterday, so we filled the day with fun Easter activities.
We saw the baby chicks...

We hunted eggs in the back yard...

We colored some eggs...

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today, was Grant's Spring Program and Trike Parade at school! He looked VERY cute but his preforming...not so cute. He spent the first song trying to unbutton his shirt and the second buttoning it back up. He was more into the parade!