Friday, March 30, 2012

A Fun Friday

We started the morning out with Fun Run.

Then we headed to a super fun Easter play day with a group of sweet friends!

It was a great way to spend a Friday!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Program and Bike Parade

Oh how I love the Spring Program and Bike Parade day! Its one of my favorite days of the whole year.

Gavin during his program.

With Daddy and Mommy waiting for the parade to start.

Gavin and his decorated bike

riding through Downtown Franklin

Enjoying a job well done!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baseball Game

Garrett had a game last night and I was so glad I didn't have to miss this one! Our team didn't win, not even close...We lost 19 to 1. BUT, Garrett was the only player to get a hit last night and he did score that 1 point, so I still get to be a really proud mom!

Playing third base!
practicing his swing

getting ready to make that hit...Garrett has this thing he does EVERY TIME he is up to bat. I don't know why he does it, I don't even know if he knows why he does it, but it works!

Monday, March 26, 2012


We had a busy, fun weekend. Saturday, we started the morning with Gavin's practice. Then on to Garrett's first game of the season. Doesn't he look soooo cute in this uniform! I am so sad I missed the big game...Grant had a birthday party and I took him. This is the only photo we have because the camera didn't make it to the game.

Grant had the best time skating at his friends party!

We ended the day with one last practice. This time it was Daddy's turn. That's right, Clay is playing ball this year too! I will post pics when he has a game!


Check out this cute guy all ready for church!

I just had to take his picture in this outfit! His big brothers wore it too!

Sunday night we had a fun date night out with a couple of fun friends! Dinner and the Hunger Games! It was so much fun and we cant wait to do it again!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baseball Ready

Tonight was Gavin's first ever baseball practice. He has been waiting for this day for basically his whole life.

These two needed to get a little dirty before practice started!
running the bases...I asked him before practice what he was suppose to do after he hit the ball, he told me "run to first base" I then asked where do you run after first base? And he said "to the concession stand to get a pop cicle!"

This was his favorite part!

Check out the Big brothers who found a nice pile of dirt to play in!

Catch Up

Last Wednesday the weather was BEAUTIFUL, so we met these fun friends at the park and soaked up some sun! The second the big boys are out the door for school, this guy RUNS to do the two things they never let him do...sit on the top bunk and play Xbox!

Check out these cute leprechauns sporting their green!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Birthday in Birmingham

We were so blessed to get to spend the weekend celebrating a very special birthday. Clay's grandad turned 90! Here is a picture of the boys with their Greatdaddy. We hope there are many more birthdays to celebrate with this guy! enjoying the hotel

They loved swimming in the indoor pool!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Storms and Stitches

Friday was crazy around here. Not only did the boys go to school in their costumes, they had a half day because storms were coming in.

My kids are an extra kind of crazy...they get excited about storms.

here are the boys ready for any tornado that might come our way!
We didn't have to bad of storms, but they were wired. I sent them to go play after it was all over, and two minutes in...this happened.

a toy bowling pin to the face can be dangerous!

here he is waiting at the ER.

this brave boy got a shot and two stitches without a single tear! He didn't even say ouch or move brave!

He was kind of excited about all the blood. He told the lady at the hospital she could just call him Gavin The Blood!