Monday, March 29, 2010

On The Hunt

Gavin is obsessed with these plastic eggs. He just could not keep his little hands off of I gave in and he hunted them over and over. He will be a pro by Easter.

Friday, March 26, 2010

All good things must end

We had a great time at the beach this week! The boys didn't want to leave. Her are a few of their favorite things from the week...

hot tubs

dead jellyfish

building sand castles with Daddy

Sleeping in a hotel and ordering room service

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beach Day

We are having a great time at the beach! They boys loved the ocean and finding shells. They are so impressed with the pool that has waterfalls in it, and Grant is now wanting a hot tub!

We even got to see an old friend from High School and meet her sweet family!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mom Guilt

I'm a little sad...we are leaving for Florida in a few short hours and we are not taking Gav with us:( I have never been away from him for more than 24 hours, how in the world will I make it till Saturday? It is all I can do to not just pack his suit and take him too.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Little Leprechauns

Happy St.Patrick's Day for these Leprechauns!

Garrett had to make a Leprechaun trap for school, wonder if it can catch one of those tricky little guys?

and last...the biggest news of the day. This morning I took my Granty Pooh and registered him for Kindergarten.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Good News/Bad News

We got up this morning and got ready for Grant's doctors visit to be tested for his nut allergy. Last time he tested negative, so we were hoping he would again. This would mean he had out grown his allergy. This bringing the good news...NO NUT ALLERGY!!!!!!!!! We are so excited about this!

Now, for the bad...Grant is always sick it seems. He gets bronchitis and pneumonia several times a year. He just happened to have bronchitis today when we went, so the Dr. asked lots of questions and wanted to do some test since it happens so often. Test were done, tears were shed, promises of toys made, an hour later we left knowing why he is so sick...Asthma.

We have lots of work to do to get this little guy all better.

He will do this twice a day

and this 3 times a day

Then in about 6 months to a year when he is much better we will do more test and see if we can back off a little.

I really hope we can get my little guy all better.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Big Boy Gavin

Something BIG happened at the Duke house this week...
Something I was NOT ready for...
Something we just couldn't put off any longer...

YEP! Thats right...Gavin is in a Big Boy bed. He was so excited about this. The first night he never got out of bed but it took him 3 hours to fall asleep. The second night he would get up and play but, after a few time of being put back to bed he went to sleep.
Night 3 I thought he did great...that was until I woke to find all his clean clothes in the hamper and all his dirty ones in the drawers!

My boys are all getting so big...soon I wont have a baby anymore.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Monday, March 8, 2010


Tonight was Garrett's last basketball game! He had a great season and had a blast! Way to go Unstoppables!!!!

Now for baseball... which starts tomorrow.

I know the pic is not great...but you get the idea.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Greatdaddy's 88th Birthday

Yesterday was Clay's Grandfathers 88th birthday. He wanted a party with all of his kids, grand kids and great-grand kids...he got that and more! We packed up and headed to Birmingham bright and early yesterday. We had a great time seeing family and catching up! I am so happy we could be there to help Greatdaddy celebrate being 88 years young.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Yay For Play!

The weather was nice today, after a few really cold days (it even snowed a couple of times this week). These two little guys were excited to be outside!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wild Thing

Garrett's Class had to dress up as their favorite book character today. He came home very excited last week with a note telling all the details. He knew right away he would be Max from Where The Wild Things Are! He asked me to make him a costume. I knew this would be to much to do over the weekend, so I tried to talk him into something else...but he was not having it. So last night I gave in and made the costume. We had no pattern so it was make it up as you go along. It turned out decent and it was more than worth it to see how happy my Little Wild Thing was. He was so proud of his costume when I dropped him off this morning! I got more "Thank Yous" and "this is the best costume ever!" The things we do for our kids!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Let them eat cupcakes

Today was Gavin Day. Garrett was at school and Grant was with my grandparents. We had a GREAT day! We watched shows he liked, played, read books, then took a trip to Target. As we are passing GiGi's on the way there Gavin yells from the back seat "I wanna cupcake" He said this all through Target...So, whats a girl to do? We went to Gigi's! He was so excited! He still continued to say "I wanna cupcake" as we picked out one and payed. The few miles home was a long ride... He was tortured by that cupcake in the box and I had to hear "I wanna eat cupcake" about 1000 times. He sat in his seat picking the sprinkles off his cupcake stating "it's dirty" he would say over and over till it was just the way he wanted. The boy loves him some cupcakes!