Friday, April 29, 2011


Egg Hunt

We went to the Easter egg hunt at "the fun church" as the big boys call it! Gavin got a few, but Grant made up for it! They had so much fun!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Gettin Our Color On

Is there anything more fun, messy or stressful than coloring eggs?

This Little Light Of Mine

Thursday, was the Spring Program at school. They are always soooo cute! Could these two be any cuter? I think not!
They all did such a good job!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

In A Word

Awesome...that's what Garrett was!
He played the best game he has ever had. This kid worked hard!

He was baseball ready
He threw for several outs, basically he ROCKED third base. He had an amazing hit every time he was at bat. He advanced runners and got some runs himself. Here he is crossing home plate.

Seriously, I was so proud I could have run onto the field for some high fives, if that fence wasn't in my way... and it wouldn't have embarrassed him to death! The best part was that he was even more proud of himself. He had practiced hard all week and played just as hard, and it showed.

I think everyone agreed that he was awesome, cause you know what... He got the game ball!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Petting Zoo

The petting zoo came to school today! Here is a little peek of Gavin enjoying it!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Waiting or Watchin

This morning Gavin gathered his cup and his love and walked out the front door. I went to tell him he cant just go out whenever, and to come back in. This is how I found him...Just waiting for something or watching the world. It made my heart feel full of joy to just sit and watch him. Then it made me feel sad because i know it will be gone all to soon. Today, I decided to just sit and really watch my them play, watch them learn, watch them grow.