Uggg...this is not something I thought I would EVER post. Its not something I like to talk about...but I thought if I posted about it I would stay motivated! So, here we go. Weight lose. Ugly words. I need to lose a lot of it. Every time I would look at the number of how much I had to lose I would be sick at my stomach. So I decided to set small goals. The first one was easy, how about I start with what I weighed when I got pregnant with Gavin. I only gained 5 lbs the whole pregnancy so it is rediculas that this is even a goal, he weighed 6 lbs 13 0z...none the less it is where I will start.
A little over a month ago a friend posted an article on face book all about drinks you should avoid. As I was reading it I came across the drink in my hand.

I was shocked! 20oz of Orange Sunkist is the same as having 6 LARGE ice cream sandwiches!!!!!! Holy Cow! Of course I know you shouldn't drink things like this when you are trying to lose weight, but I figured this was better than the Dr. Pepper I really wanted. WRONG.
So that was the last one I have had. I started drinking this instead...

and guess what...that goal was beat 2 lbs ago! I can't tell you how excited I was by this ridiculously large number. It was the fact that I had done what I set out to do. While I could not think of the number I really needed to lose and actually think it was ever going to happen, I could however meet this simple little goal of 9 lbs.
I have I set myself a new goal. I am down 2 lbs from the first goal and 12 lbs away from the next.
Who knew one little article could make such a difference...thanks Melissa!