Sunday, December 5, 2010

Snowy Sunday

What do you do on a snowy Sunday? Curl up on the couch with some coco and watch a movie? That sounds nice, but its not what I did today. No, I was freezing my tail off at the zoo. Garrett was invited to a party at the zoo and after we were allowed to visit all the animals if we wanted. All the other kiddos went home with their parents, but when my sweet boy begged I didn't say no. It was SO VERY worth the near frozen toes and face when he told me he had the best day with me!

Here are a few pictures from our hour long visit to the zoo...IN THE SNOW!

A little play



some tigers

If you look way in the very back... a little bit further...there, can you see the zebra?

Garrett really wanted to see the giraffes, but these are the only ones we saw.

1 comment:

Nonni said...

What a sweet memory-making time for you and your son! Good mommy!