Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Brown Eyed Boy

When I was pregnant with Gavin, I wanted him to have blue eyes like his brothers. Garrett and Grant were always being told they had pretty blue eyes, and I wanted the same for him. I also wanted my boys to all look alike. As you know neither of these things happened. He looks nothing like the older 2 and he has the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. He gets told everyday that he has big beautiful eyes. These eyes are making my life hard these days. Gavin is two now and there is a reason they call them the terrible 2's. He does something he is not supposed to, I tell him no and put him in time out, but then I see those big eyes looking up at me with those eyes and it is hard not to melt. I am so thankful he does not have blue eyes because I love those brown ones!

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