Thursday, August 12, 2010

2nd Grade

Today, is the first day of School! I can't believe Garrett is a second grader. He was very excited for today! He picked out his own outfit... this is the first time he has ever picked to wear a shirt with buttons and a collar all on his own. In the past if I even let on that I wanted him to wear one he would cry. He picked out a super cool messenger bag for this year, with matching lunch box. He has said everything has to be good or that's not a 2nd graders outfit, shoes, back pack...about 20 times in the last week. He was a little nervous about the fact that he only knew 2 people in his class and they were both girls. We got to meet his teacher, Mrs. Heep last week, and can I just say we LOVE her! She was sweet, energetic, and full of personality. Garrett I hope you are having a wonderful time today, I hope you make lots of new friends this year and learn a ton. We love you!

2nd grader Garrett

Garrett and Mommy

Garrett and his new teacher Mrs. Heep

he was so excited about his very first desk!

1 comment:

Nonni said...

He's a cutie! Hope he has a great
2nd grade year!