Its a snow day! We love snow days! This was the first time Gavin really enjoyed it...and he REALLY enjoyed it! We were ready with 2 sleds 1 snowboard and new snow toys. Hope you enjoyed your day as much as we did.
Getting ready to play in the snow me and my snowmen Garrett used his new snowball maker/launcher and snowboard Grant did a little sledding and worked on a fort Gavin going up and down the hill a little play and snowman making 101
I am the mom of three boys. Garrett is 8 and in 2nd grade, Grant is 6 and started Kindergarten, and my sweet baby Gavin is 3. I have been married to Clay for 9 years. My life is always busy. In the last year I have learned that with 3 kids you never have any extra time in the day. Our house is loud, busy, usually messy, full of love and laughter and I would not want it any other way.
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