Saturday, December 17, 2011


Today I turned 32. I must say birthdays aren't as fun as they use to be. On the bright side though my kiddos don't care that I am getting older, and don't look forward to it. They are just excited and want to celebrate and make a big deal out of it. That part I do love. So this year I let them decide how we would celebrate my birthday!

We started our day out at Garrett's basketball game. His team didn't win, but he played his best game yet, and that makes me happier than any gift!
Grant picked out next stop...Baskin Robins. The boy knows I love some Mint Chocolate Chip!

Then, we went to the movies. This is one of my favorite things to do! We all enjoyed Alvin and the Chipmunks!

Being 32 is not so bad when you get to spend it with the ones you love! Garrett said this had to be the best birthday ever! It was great, but I don't think it will top my 23rd...the day we brought him home from the hospital!

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